Results for 'Maria Peiro Mir'

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  1.  29
    Correction to: Exacerbating Pre‑Existing Vulnerabilities: an Analysis of the Effects of the COVID‑19 Pandemic on Human Trafficking in Sudan.Audrey Lumley‑Sapanski, Katarina Schwarz, Ana Valverde Cano, Mohammed Abdelsalam Babiker, Maddy Crowther, Emily Death, Keith Ditcham, Abdal Rahman Eltayeb, Michael Emile Knyaston Jones, Sonja Miley & Maria Peiro Mir - 2023 - Human Rights Review 24 (3):363-363.
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    Exacerbating Pre-Existing Vulnerabilities: an Analysis of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Trafficking in Sudan.Audrey Lumley-Sapanski, Katarina Schwarz, Ana Valverde Cano, Mohammed Abdelsalam Babiker, Maddy Crowther, Emily Death, Keith Ditcham, Abdal Rahman Eltayeb, Michael Emile Knyaston Jones, Sonja Miley & Maria Peiro Mir - 2023 - Human Rights Review 24 (3):341-361.
    COVID-19 has caused far-reaching humanitarian challenges. Amongst the emerging impacts of the pandemic is on the dynamics of human trafficking. This paper presents findings from a multi-methods study interrogating the impacts of COVID-19 on human trafficking in Sudan—a critical source, destination, and transit country. The analysis combines a systematic evidence review, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group with survivors, conducted between January and May of 2021. We find key risks have been exacerbated, and simultaneously, critical infrastructure for identifying victims, providing (...)
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    Participation in Citizen Science: Insights from the CONECT-e Case Study.Victoria Reyes-García, Antonio Perdomo-Molina, Marta Rivera-Ferre, María Carrascosa-García, Laura Calvet-Mir, Laura Aceituno-Mata, Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana & Petra Benyei - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (4):755-788.
    Citizen science is growing quickly, given its potential to enhance knowledge coproduction by diverse participants, generating large and global data sets. However, uneven participation in CS is still an important concern. This work aims to understand participation dynamics in CS and how they are shaped by participation barriers and drivers. We do so by examining participation in CONECT-e, a CS project that uses a wiki-like platform to document traditional ecological knowledge. More precisely, we analyze quantitative data on participants’ profile and (...)
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    A Framework to Move Forward on the Path to Eco-innovation in the Construction Industry: Implications to Improve Firms' Sustainable Orientation.María-del-Val Segarra-Oña, Angel Peiró-Signes & Roberto Cervelló-Royo - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1469-1484.
    This paper examines key aspects in the innovative behavior of the construction firms that determine their environmental orientation while innovating. Structural equation modeling was used and data of 222 firms retrieved from the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel for 2010 to analyse the drivers of environmental orientation of the construction firms during the innovation process. The results show that the environmental orientation is positively affected by the product and process orientation of construction firms during the innovation process. Furthermore, the positive relation (...)
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  5.  45
    El programa de termalismo social Del imserso. Evolución Y tendencias de futuro.Olga Martínez Moure, Pablo Saz Peiró & María Ortiz Lucas - 2013 - Aposta 59:4-24.
    El Programa de Termalismo del IMSERSO, perteneciente al Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales del Gobierno de España, se encuentra englobado dentro de de las políticas y actuaciones públicas de carácter social y económico que tienen como objetivo favorecer la salud e integración social de las personas mayores y su envejecimiento activo. Este artículo estudia, desde el año 2010 hasta el 2013, la evolución de las plazas adscritas al programa y hace una prospección para 2014-2015. Los resultados revelan una disminución (...)
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    The Synergistic Effect of Prototypicality and Authenticity in the Relation Between Leaders’ Biological Gender and Their Organizational Identification.Lucas Monzani, Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Rolf van Dick & José María Peiró - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):737-752.
    Role congruity theory affirms that female managers face more difficulties at work because of the incongruity between female gender and leadership role expectations. Furthermore, due to this incongruity, it is harder for female managers to perceive themselves as authentic leaders. However, followers’ attributions of prototypicality could attenuate this role incongruity and have implications on a managers’ organizational identification. Hence, we expect male managers to be more authentic and to identify more with their organizations, when compared to female managers who are (...)
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  7.  13
    La vida buena, sus técnicas y sus figuraciones, Juan Pablo Pino-Posada y Andrés Vélez-Posada (Eds.), 2022, Universidad EAFIT, 217 p. [REVIEW]María Camila Zamudio-Mir - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):409-412.
    El libro La vida buena, sus técnicas y sus figuraciones presenta una serie de respuestas contemporáneas a una pregunta milenaria: ¿qué es la buena vida y cómo alcanzarla? Esta, como las grandes preguntas de la historia del pensamiento, continúa sin responderse y se renueva cada cierto tiempo para responder a los cambios éticos, culturales, políticos y económicos de las sociedades. De allí que las reflexiones contenidas en este volumen sean de gran relevancia para el debate actual sobre cómo entender la (...)
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    The Factor Structure of the CA-MIR as Evaluated Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis.Paola Molina, Marta Casonato, Maria N. Sala & Silvia Testa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Person und Dasein: Zur Frage der Ontologie des Wertseins.Manfred S. Frings - 2014 - Springer.
    Es sei an dieser Stelle Frau Maria Scheler für die von ihr er­ laubten Einblicke in den Nachlass ihres Mannes gedankt, ins­ besondere für die langen und eingehenden Gespräche, die mir für die Erkenntnis der wahren Intentionen Max Schelers unerlässlich gewesen sind. Ich danke nochmals Herrn Professor Dr. Martin Heidegger für die wertvollen Hinsweise bezüglich Max Schelers Aufnahme von Sein und Zeit. Für einige Berichtigungen in der deutschen Ausdrucksweise, die dem Verfasser durch seine langjährige Tätigkeit in Amerika einerseits, und (...)
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  10.  17
    El absolutismo de la realidad: un concepto problemático en la obra de Blumenberg.Elías Peiró Labarta - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21 (1).
    RESUMENUno de los conceptos fundamentales de la obra de Blumenberg es de “el absolutismo de la realidad”. Tanto su perspectiva antropológica como su teoría del mito toman como punto de partida este concepto para explicar aspectos como la génesis de la significatividad o el progresivo devenir histórico. Esta metáfora de reminiscencias políticas permite al pensador alemán interpretar todo rendimiento cultural como una operación de distanciamiento de este absolutismo. La meta de este artículo será llevar a cabo una revisión crítica de (...)
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  11.  31
    Juan Fernando Sellés, Los filósofos y los sentimientos.Juliana Peiró Pérez - 2011 - Studia Poliana:221-223.
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    Kierkegaard: A Fiction.Sherri Peiros - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (3):437-438.
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    Notes on notes: Hannah Arendt Philosophical Diary.Àngela Lorena Fuster Peiró - 2013 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 51:143.
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    Apuntes sobre Hannah Arendt como historiadora de la cultura.À. Lorena Fuster Peiró - 2024 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 26:103-124.
    Este artículo pretende abrir una vía de investigación para explorar en qué sentido la metodología y algunas de las obras de Hannah Arendt pueden ser interpretadas como formas de historia cultural. Esta primera incursión se realizará, en especial, a partir del estudio de tres escritos que coinciden en su época de publicación Rahel Varnhagen (1957), La condición humana (1958) y «Cultura y política» (1959) y que tratan desde diferentes aristas el tema de la relación entre la cultura y la política: (...)
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    Consuelo Martínez Priego, Hablando sobre "Quién es el hombre". Bubok Publishing, Madrid, 2009, 167 págs.Juliana Peiró Pérez - 2010 - Studia Poliana:257-258.
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    Detection of the goals of a teaching center from values.Salvador Peiró Gregori - 1983 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 5:123.
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    Ésser i moral.Agustí Peiró - 2002 - Valencia: Brosquil Edicions.
    «Així doncs, qualsevol activitat que emprenem, la nostra acció més quotidiana, ens demana un esforç de la voluntat. En la consagració de les nostres forces a véncer totes les dificultats que se’ns presenten a diari ens determinen a nosaltres mateixos. Solament hem de vigilar de no cedir en el nostre afany de superació. Perquè si el treball que tenim per davant al llarg d’una existència el deixàvem de colp algun dia per algun motiu sobtat, això seria com una mort en (...)
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    Entre la normatividad y el pragmatismo: las relaciones de Europa e India.Ana Ballesteros Peiró - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (53).
    La Unión Europea (UE) e India han manifestado un creciente interés en profundizar sus relaciones más allá del plano económico. Si bien Europa supone un importante socio comercial para India, existe la duda sobre la capacidad de que sea un actor político y de seguridad relevante, tanto en el Indo-Pacífico como a escala global. Para la UE, el crecimiento de India lo convierte en un socio atractivo, pero se debate entre sus prioridades más cercanas, las divergencias de sus miembros y (...)
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  19.  14
    Educación religiosa y antropología: ayudar a crecer en libertad e intimidad personal.Juliana Peiró-Pérez, Elda Millán-Ghisleri & Alberto-I. Vargas-Pérez - forthcoming - Studia Poliana:73-98.
    En este artículo se profundiza en la dimensión religiosa de la persona humana y cómo ésta debe ser educada, a partir de los hallazgos de la antropología de Leonardo Polo. Se explica en qué sentido se puede decir que la religiosidad responde al núcleo mismo del ser personal desde la realidad de la filiación existencial. También se aborda la estrecha conexión que hay entre la educación religiosa y el crecimiento de la libertad, de acuerdo con la orientación global que proporciona (...)
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    Integración corporal y psicología humanística.Sánchez-Rivera Peiró & M. Juan (eds.) - 1979 - Madrid: Marova.
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    Juan A. García González, Allende el límite, Monografías Miscelánea Poliana, nº 5, Madrid, Bubok, 2011, 152 págs.Juliana Peiró - 2012 - Studia Poliana:183-184.
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  22. Kierkegaardian Parody.Sherri Peiros - 1974 - Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz
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    Manifiesto de la nueva humanidad.Sánchez-Rivera Peiró & M. Juan - 1978 - Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas.
    El Manifiesto: Manifiesto de la nueva humanidad. Comentario al Manifiesto.--Sobre la unidad, la revolución y el diálogo: Nostalgia de unidad. La nueva humanidad y la revolución. El diálogo.
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  24.  28
    Una mirada crítica a las repercusiones de la televisión en la educación.Salvador Peiró I. Grègori & Gladys Merma Molina - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    Esta investigación está contextualizada en torno a la influencia que ejercen las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación, en la educación informal. En concreto, nuestro objetivo es reflexionar sobre la televisión. Para ello, partimos de un análisis teórico, que nos permite entender cómo ha cambiado el significado de algunos conceptos claves, como educación y comunicación, en la postmodernidad globalizada. Con los datos derivados de diversas investigaciones, determinamos cuál es el impacto de la televisión en los niños y adolescentes, (...)
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    Barbara Anderson, Kierkegaard: A Fiction. [REVIEW]Sherri Peiros - 1976 - Man and World 9 (2):206.
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    Juan A. García González (ed.), El conocimiento de lo físico según L. Polo, Cuadernos de Pensamiento Español, nº 45, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011, 106 págs. [REVIEW]Juliana Peiró - 2012 - Studia Poliana:184-185.
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    Leonardo Polo, Persona y libertad. Edición, introducción y notas de Rafael Corazón, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2007, 270 pp. [REVIEW]Juliana Peiró - 2008 - Studia Poliana 10:211-214.
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  28.  19
    Knowledge and Personal Existence.Juan Pablo Martínez Martínez, Juliana Peiró, Diego Ignacio Rosales & Alberto Ignacio Vargas - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (2):137-152.
    The aim of this paper is to show that every form of knowledge, even scientific knowledge, is linked with the personal existence that effectuates it. We offer a map of the different schools of Interdisciplinarity attending to an anthropological criterion. To this end, a map of the various schools of interdisciplinarity is offered according to an anthropological criterion, where the persistence of a partial and reductive approach to human knowledge in various modalities is generally detected. The consequence of this way (...)
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  29.  41
    Religion as a Macro Social Force Affecting Business: Concepts, Questions, and Future Research.Raza Mir, Jawad Syed & Harry J. Van Buren - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):799-822.
    Religion has been in general neglected or even seen as a taboo subject in organizational research and management practice. This is a glaring omission in the business and society and business ethics literatures. As a source of moral norms and beliefs, religion has historically played a significant role in the vast majority of societies and continues to remain relevant in almost every society. More broadly, expectations for responsible business behavior are informed by regional, national, or indigenous cultures, which in many (...)
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  30.  64
    Value Creation, Appropriation, and Distribution: How Firms Contribute to Societal Economic Inequality.Raza Mir, Jane Lu, Bryan W. Husted & Hari Bapuji - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (6):983-1009.
    Firms are central to wealth creation and distribution, but their role in economic inequality in a society remains poorly studied. In this essay, we define and distinguish value distribution from value creation and value appropriation. We identify four value distribution mechanisms that firms engage in and argue that shareholder wealth maximization approach skews the value distribution toward shareholders and top executives, which in turn contributes to rising economic inequalities around the world. We call on organizational scholars to study the value (...)
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  31.  17
    The Business of Stealing Futures: Race, Gender, and the Student Debt Regime.Ali Mir & Saadia Toor - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (4):765-784.
    In this paper, we argue that the system of student debt functions as one of the most egregious and yet poorly understood mechanisms by which structural racism is reproduced in the U.S. today. We present evidence that student debt is unevenly distributed across race and gender, show that this pattern arises from policy choices made over time, and demonstrate that these disparities play a significant role in maintaining and exacerbating racial and gender wealth gaps. Our paper contends that the student (...)
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  32.  35
    Sustainability disclosures in emerging economies: Evidence from human capital disclosures on listed banks' websites in Bangladesh.Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar, Bablu Kumar Dhar, Monowar Mahmood & Md Emran - 2021 - Business and Society Review 126 (3):363-378.
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  33. Actions, thought-experiments and the 'principle of alternate possibilities'.Maria Alvarez - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (1):61 – 81.
    In 1969 Harry Frankfurt published his hugely influential paper 'Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility' in which he claimed to present a counterexample to the so-called 'Principle of Alternate Possibilities' ('a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise'). The success of Frankfurt-style cases as counterexamples to the Principle has been much debated since. I present an objection to these cases that, in questioning their conceptual cogency, undercuts many of those debates. Such cases (...)
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  34. Muslim Women’s Quest for Equality: Between Islamic Law and Feminism.Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 32 (4):629.
  35.  21
    Episodic Literary Movement and Translation: Ideology Embodied in Prefaces.Mir Mohammad Khademnabi - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:404-417.
    This paper discusses translation practices from a historicist viewpoint, contextualizing them in their emerging “episode.” The latter is a concept drawn from sociology of literature and accounts for the rise of certain discourses and ideologies in a society. On the basis of the argument that translation practices are informed by the general literary and socio-cultural milieu in which they are produced and consumed, the paper studies the translators’ prefaces to three translations published between 1953 and 1978—a period dominated by Leftist (...)
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    ‘It does not compare to the bright dialectical materialism propounded by Marx, Engels, and Lenin’: Revolutionary refractions and Marxist critique of Freudianism in pre-revolutionary Iran.Mir Mohammad Khademnabi - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    The critical stance adopted by Iran's prominent communist party, the Tudeh Party, toward psychoanalysis is illustrated through a polemical essay preceding the translation of A Primer of Freudian Psychology. Echoing the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, who vehemently criticized psychoanalysis as a ‘bourgeois science’, Hushang Tizabi, a translator affiliated with the Tudeh Party, delves into the shortcomings of Freudian thought in the preface to his rendition, contrasting it with the ‘bright dialectical materialism’ inherent in Marxian ideology. This article represents an (...)
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  37. Cross-linguistic semantics.Maria Bittner - 1994 - Linguistics and Philosophy 17 (1):53 - 108.
    Rooth & Partee (1982) and Rooth (1985) have shown that the English-specific rule-by-rule system of PTQ can be factored out into function application plus two transformations for resolving type mismatch (type lifting and variable binding). Building on these insights, this article proposes a universal system for type-driven translation, by adding two more innovations: local type determination for gaps (generalizing Montague 1973) and a set of semantic filters (extending Cooper 1983). This system, dubbed Cross-Linguistic Semantics (XLS), is shown to account for (...)
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    Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality- and Gender-Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip.Maria Kakarika, Shiva Taghavi & Helena V. González-Gómez - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):329-344.
    We conducted three studies to examine how the recipients of negative workplace gossip judge the gossip sender’s morality and how they respond behaviorally. Study 1 provided experimental evidence that gossip recipients perceive senders as low in morality, with female recipients rating the sender’s morality more negatively than male recipients. In a follow-up experiment (Study 2), we further found that perceived low morality translates into behavioral responses in the form of career-related sanctions by the recipient on the gossip sender. A critical (...)
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    Investigating the relationship between compassion fatigue and moral injury in nurses.Mir Hossein Ahmadi, Mehdi Heidarzadeh, Alireza Fathiazar & Mehdi Ajri-Khameslou - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):201-211.
    Background Compassion fatigue and professional quality of life are important in health and professional ethics. Aim This study aimed to determine the relationship between compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and moral injury in nurses. Research design This research is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. The research community of this research was all the nurses of the teaching hospitals of Ardabil city. Three questionnaires on demographic characteristics, the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL), and the Moral Injury Events Scale were (...)
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  40. The Performance of European Socially Responsible Funds.Maria Ceu Cortez, Florinda Silva & Nelson Areal - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):573-588.
    Recent years have witnessed an increasing growth in mutual funds that invest according to social criteria. As a consequence, the financial performance of these portfolios has attracted the interest of academics and practitioners. This paper investigates the performance of a sample of socially responsible mutual funds from seven European countries investing globally and/or in the European market. Using unconditional and conditional models, we assess the performance of these funds in comparison to conventional and socially responsible benchmark portfolios. The results show (...)
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    Whitehead and Efficient Causation.Amene Mir - 2017 - Process Studies 46 (1):87-114.
    Whitehead’s understanding of efficient causation is developed in reaction against the prevailing worldview of his scientific and philosophical predecessors’ material abstraction, bodily sensationalism, subject-object bifurcation, and partial subjectivism. Whitehead believed these ideas precluded the development of any satisfactory account of causal relation and connectivity. His response is to offer a forensic account of the nature of subjective experience within which causal efficacy could be accommodated. Yet Whitehead’s position has its own problems. In response, this article argues for a primordial basis (...)
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  42.  14
    The Doctrine of Sufi Philosophy as a Powerful Antidote to Global Terrorism.Saroosh Ahmad Mir - 2024 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 10 (1):1-18.
    The rise of global terrorism presents a critical challenge to peace and stability worldwide, fueled by divisive ideologies that promote hatred and violence. There is a growing need for alternative frameworks that promote understanding, tolerance, and reconciliation. This paper explores the doctrine of Sufi philosophy as a powerful antidote to global terrorism, examining its principles and practices in fostering peace and countering extremist ideologies. A comprehensive review of literature on Sufi philosophy, Islamic mysticism, and counter-terrorism strategies was conducted to elucidate (...)
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    Investigating joint attention mechanisms through spoken human–robot interaction.Maria Staudte & Matthew W. Crocker - 2011 - Cognition 120 (2):268-291.
  44. The Politics and Hermeneutics of Hijab in Iran: From Confinement to Choice.Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (1).
    Hijab – covering of a Muslim woman's body – is the most visible Islamic mandate. For a century it has been a major site of ideological struggle between traditionalism and modernity, and a yardstick for measuring the emancipation or repression of Muslim women. In recent decades hijab has become an arena where Islamist and secular feminist rhetoric have clashed. For Islamists, hijab represents their distinct identity and their claim to religious authenticity: it as a divine mandate that protects women and (...)
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  45. A Structural Analysis of the Phlogiston Case.Maria Caamaño - 2009 - Erkenntnis 70 (3):331-364.
    The incommensurability thesis, as introduced by T.S. Kuhn and P.K. Feyerabend, states that incommensurable theories are conceptually incompatible theories which share a common domain of application. Such claim has often been regarded as incoherent, since it has been understood that the determination of a common domain of application at least requires a certain degree of conceptual compatibility between the theories. The purpose of this work is to contribute to the defense of the notion of local or gradual incommensurability, as proposed (...)
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    Flashbacks in Film: A Cognitive and Multimodal Analysis.Lorena Bort-Mir - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (3):291-294.
    “The journey (the [filmic] narrative) is made by the traveler (the viewer) step by step, pebble by pebble, cue by cue.”Flashbacks in Film: A Cognitive and Multimodal Analysis is devoted to explaini...
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    Architectonic and Artisanal.Amene Mir - 2014 - Process Studies 43 (1):35-58.
    John Milbank’s theology argues for a return to the participatory ontology of the pre-moderns in which actuality is understood as rooted in intimate relation to the divine. He rejects modernity’s notion that finite reality can be understood as occupying its own space independent of God. In this context he develops the notion of finite “making” as coincident with the finite realization of the divine. This paper develops how the notion of “coincidence” can be applied to Whitehead’s thought, allowing for an (...)
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    Evaluating the Smoothness of the Washed Fabric after Laundry with the Washing Machine Based on a New Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network.Mir Saeid Hesarian & Jafar Tavoosi - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    Clothes laundering are necessary during their cycle life, and the mechanical forces exposed to fabrics during laundering were caused to wrinkle. Therefore, in this paper, the wrinkle of the cotton fabric after home laundering was evaluated based on their characteristic. The washing process was done without any softener as toxic material. For this purpose, experimental and theoretical evaluations were conducted. In experiments, the cotton fabrics in various characteristics were washed by washing machine without any softener in special adjustments. The wrinkle (...)
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    Stakeholders’ Views on Voluntary Human Capital Disclosures in Corporate Annual Reports of Top Bangladeshi and Indian Listed Companies.Mir Mohammed Nurul Absar - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (3):209-220.
    Anchored in stakeholder theory, the study aimed at examining the extent of voluntary human capital disclosures in annual reports of top 20 Bangladeshi and Indian listed companies. In addition to qualitative content analysis of the annual reports for the year 2010–2011, this study also conducted a series of in-depth interviews with a range of stakeholders of the companies of both the countries to understand their views on voluntary HC disclosures in corporate annual reports. It was found that the level of (...)
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  50. The Role of Belief in the Return in Justifying Value Judgments and Critiquing the Foundations of Ethical Utilitarianism.Firdous Ahmad Mir - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (3):241-279.
    One of the most important aspects of human life is the role of ethics and value judgments, which are unavoidable in everyday life. On the other hand, belief in the afterlife significantly influences various human affairs. This article explores the impact of belief in resurrection on moral values and judgments using a descriptive and analytical method. In this context, it critiques and analyzes the school of ethical utilitarianism, one of the most prominent ethical schools of the contemporary era. Several issues (...)
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